climate proofing
Holistic Approach towards Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments: The Integration of Climate Risk Management into Different Investment Decision-Making Contexts Requiring Tailored Types of Risk Assessment
The integration of climate risk management into different investment decision-making contexts requirng tailored types of risk assessment.
HyCRISTAL: Integrating Hydro-Climate Science Into Policy Decisions For Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa
HyCRISTAL's goal is to understand the challenges and context of climate change impact at local level and to inform local-based solutions. The research focuses on East Africa.
Institutional Strengthening – Adapting to the Changing Climate in the Himalayas
Image: The climate change adaptation project was piloted in 2009 in four sites in the buffer zone of Langtang...
Business-focused adaptation: climate proofing agricultural infrastructure
Adaptation context Cambodia is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and variability, in particular due to the high...