Climate Change Science Program
Use and Communication of Climate Information to Support Uptake of Adaptation Action in the Semi-Arid Regions of Africa and Asia: ASSAR report
Home to hundreds of millions of people, the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia are particularly vulnerable to climate-related impacts and risks.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of East Africa: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
Home to hundreds of millions of people, the semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia are particularly vulnerable to climate-related impacts and risks.
FCFA Pilot: Actual and Potential Weather and Climate Information Needs for Development Planning in Malawi: Results of a Future Climate for Africa Pilot Case Study
Summary There is growing interest about how climate information can be used to better inform decision-making across a range of...
5 Things You Should Know About Climate Change in the Caribbean
This video explains what climate change means to the communities in the Caribbean Islands, and what adaptation and resilience-building actions are being done.
Adapting to A Changing Climate: Guide to Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and Management Planning
This guide is designed for practitioners working within and with local governments and communities that normally facilitate capacity development at the community or local level.
Adaptation to climate change in the insurance sector: examples from the UK, Germany and the Netherlands
Abstract Adaptation to climate change, particularly flood risks, may come to pose large challenges in the future and will require...
Local climate change adaptation planning: A guide for government policy and decision makers in Victoria
A guide for adaptation planners and decision makers in Victoria
Economics of Climate Resilience: Transport
Executive summary The UK’s transport network is already experiencing various impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events. Relevant climate...
The State of Climate Change Adaptation in the Great Lakes Region
This report gives an overview of key climate change impacts and a review of the prevalent work occurring on climate change adaptation in the Great Lakes region.
Feeling Stressed: Integrating Climate Adaptation with Other Priorities in South Africa
Changes in the climate affect the nature, magnitude, and frequency of a number of existing stresses experienced. This case study documents these impacts in Ga-Selala, Sekhukhene, South Africa.