communicating climate services
ECCA 2021 – At Your Service: Climate Knowledge and Information as Enablers of Climate Action
ECCA 2021 takes place from 25 May to 22 June 2021: "Bringing adaptation solutions to life: Inspiring climate adaptation action today for a resilient future".
Serious Climate Games: An Introduction
Climate games provide a way to facilitate learning in an interesting, engaging and memorable way. This article provides a brief outline of different climate games and resources available.
Co-producing climate knowledge – Great in theory, but how about practice?
'Co-production’ of climate knowledge is far from easy to achieve in practice. This article looks at what we mean by 'co-production', the challenges involved, and how we can move forward.
A Guide to the Science of Climate Change Communication
Information and practical exercises that will give you knowledge of the science of climate change communication, and the confidence to apply this knowledge in practice with non-academic audiences.
The utility of weather and climate information for adaptation decision-making: current uses and future prospects in Africa and India
This paper outlines currently available climate information and presents examples from Africa and India to highlight successes and barriers to the use and uptake of information in decision making.
Communicating climate change attribution: A toolkit for raising risk awareness
A new toolkit from the Raising Risk Awareness project aims to help journalists and communicators report on the linkages between climate change and extreme weather events.
Communicating climate change for adaptation: Challenges, successes and future priorities
Communicating climate change to communities in semi-arid regions remains a difficult task.
Why Our Brains Ignore Climate Change – and What to Do About It
Per Espen Stoknes outlines the principal barriers and solutions to getting people to think long-term about climate change and to take action to reduce it.
Mainstreaming climate information into sector development plans: the case of Rwanda’s tea and coffee sectors
This report demonstrates the use of climate information in assessing adaptation needs and adaptation interventions. It also outlines changes in thinking as adaptation moves from theory to practice.
Building bridges and changing minds: Insights from climate communication research and practice
This brief synthesizes the “state of the art” on climate communication and highlights important questions and challenges that warrant further exploration, particularly regarding European policy