Communicating climate change attribution: A toolkit for raising risk awareness

The Raising Risk Awareness initiative assesses whether climate change has contributed to extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and heatwaves in several countries of East Africa and South Asia.
The initiative brings together scientists, vulnerability experts and knowledge brokers and is formed of CDKN, Climate Central, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), University of Oxford and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD).
By determining whether an extreme weather event was the result of climate change, scientists can make quantitative statements about how climate change has altered the risk of an event occurring in the future. This can help decision-makers and the public to prioritise adaptation solutions and reduce vulnerability.
One of the project’s principal goals is to increase understanding of the impacts of climate change and help journalists and other communicators to spread accurate information. For this purpose, the partners are offering resources to help communicate the findings of the initiative, including:
- infographics & factsheets
- presentations & films
- high-quality images
- science papers and briefings
The resources are free to use by anyone reporting on the initiative, or communicating the implications of attributing extreme weather events to climate change.
View the toolkit here:
Howarth C, Armstrong A, McLoughlin N, Murtagh E, Stuart-Watt A (2023) The 2022 heatwaves: England’s response and future preparedness for heat risk. London: Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science
- Read more about the Raising Risk Awareness project: New science to help Asian, African societies prepare for extreme weather
- Read the Science Summary: The heat wave in Phalodi, India, 19 May 2016
- Read the Science Summary: The heavy precipitation event in Chennai, India, 1 December 2015
- Read the CDKN FEATURE: The growing science of attributing extreme weather to climate change – It’s time for a conversation