climate knowledge broker
BKE EU-Japan #2: Exploring the Value of Linking International and National Platforms to Enhance Action, Including in the Asia-Pacific Region
This event explored how to enhance the utilization of CAPs for promoting adaptation action at the transnational level (e.g., Asia-Pacific, Europe).
How to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia: A guide for researchers, practitioners and communicators
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) have produced a guide on how to contribute climate change information to Wikipedia.
Climate Knowledge Brokers
The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is a growing alliance of around 400 leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information.
Knowledge Brokers are Key to Climate Services, Informing Evidence-Based Implementation of EU Climate and Water Policies
Read about this potent tool to help knowledge brokers in water management to work with stakeholders to co-create solutions to water challenges.
Climate Knowledge Brokers
The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is a growing alliance of around 400 leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information.
Climate Knowledge Brokering in Latin America and the Caribbean
This report explores the climate knowledge brokering landscape in Latin America and the Caribbean, and proposes ways to enhance the effectivenes of climate knowledge brokers in the region.
‘101’ capacity building modules for climate knowledge brokering
These modules introduce six topics, including the basics of climate knowledge brokering, how it contributes to climate-resilience, setting up knowledge platforms and gender-sensitive approaches.
The Climate Knowledge Brokers Manifesto: Informed Decision Making for a Climate Resilient Future
This manifesto describes the essential role of climate knowledge brokers in helping people make climate sensitive decisions fully informed by the best available climate knowledge.
Lessons on Integrating Scientific and Community Knowledge of Climate Change to Develop Adaptation Plans in Lower Mekong Basin
USAID Mekong ARCC is implementing approaches to build local level adaptive capacity and resilience within rural communities across the lower Mekong basin countries.
Climate Knowledge Brokers Group Workshop Report 2015
This report summarises the discussions and conclusions from the 2015 Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group workshop, held 23–24 June 2015.