Co-designing climate services to integrate traditional ecological knowledge: a case study from Bali, Indonesia
This report discusses efforts to help Indigenous People adapt to climate change by combining their traditional ecological knowledge with scientific and technological sources of information about agriculture and climate change.
Refocusing the climate services lens: Introducing a framework for co-designing “transdisciplinary knowledge integration processes” to build climate resilience
This paper seeks to reconceptualize climate services in light of the prevailing inability of existing climate information to spur needed policy and action. It focusses on the transdisciplinary knowledge co-production process rather than the output of a climate services product.
Co-exploratory climate risk workshops: Experiences from urban Africa
The paper describes a place-based co-exploratory analysis of climate risks.
“Explainer” Guide: Co-exploring Terminologies
This brief explains why co-exploring language and terminology is important for creating a level playing field at the beginning of a multi-stakeholder engagement.
“How-to” Guide: Co-exploring Terminologies
This brief explains how to conduct a terminology co-exploration exercise for climate change adaptation decision-making.
Towards developing a common language for climate change in the City of Cape Town
This research aimed to better understand and circumvent language discrepancies at a city scale. It provides a toolkit to better understand and overcome terminology barriers.
Learning Labs in Windhoek: creating collaborative ways to address climate change in African cities
This video outlines how the Learning Labs approach brings stakeholders together to tackle climate change adaptation issues emerging in urban Africa.
Transdisciplinarity, co-production, and co-exploration: integrating knowledge across science, policy and practice in FRACTAL
This working paper presents the concepts of transdisciplinarity, knowledge co-production, and coexploration and their challenges, and how they are being operationalised in FRACTAL.