coping capacity
Gendered Experiences of Adaptation to Drought: Patterns of Change in El Sauce, Nicaragua
A gendered culture in Nicaragua has led to a differentiated capacity to respond to drought, men being able to adapt and women experiencing a downward spiral in capacity and increasing vulnerability.
Increasing people’s resilience through social protection
This paper highlights how social protection programmes and systems can contribute to building the capacity of vulnerable people who are exposed to climate shocks and disasters.
Trend Analysis and Historical Disturbance Matrix
This exercise explores the disturbance dynamics in the past and coping mechanisms as a basis to understand current vulnerability.
Increasing Community Resilience to Drought in Sakai, Makueni District, Kenya
Photo: Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE) Adaptation context Lying in south-central Kenya, Makueni District is characterised by sharp contrasts...
Regional Vulnerability to Changing Water Resources and Extreme Hydrological Events
Study site in Songkhone district, Lao PDR where risk and vulnerability assessment was undertaken Project overview This research studied the...