Environmental health
Environmental Linkages to Population Health and Wellbeing in Coastal Areas of the Bay of Bengal (EnHealth-BoB)
EnHealth-Bob is a network created among stakeholders in the Bay of Bengal to link information and data from both public health and climate change domains, to promote appropriate policy action plans.
Synergy for Sustainable Cities
Written for multiple audiences, this book explores multi-stakeholder engagement for building resilience and ensuring urban sustainability, and details of actions for enhancing urban resilience.
Assessing Climate Service Needs In Kaffrine, Senegal: Livelihoods, Identity, And Vulnerability To Climate Variability and Change
Climate services have the potential to reduce precipitation and temperature-related risks to agricultural production, boost agricultural yields, and build resilience in rural populations.
Protecting Health from Climate Change: A Seven Country Initiative
Bespoke websites powered by the weADAPT platform
Our new microsites service allows organisations and networks to build their own bespoke websites at a fraction of the normal cost and with minimal effort.
These individually customised websites (e.g. Adaptation Without Borders) benefit from weADAPT in many ways: through its rich knowledge base, active social media channels, popular newsletter, growing levels of website traffic, and ultimately through the connections that allow knowledge products to meaningfully connect to the weADAPT community worldwide beyond the lifetime of any project, ensuring knowledge legacy.
Additional benefits include unique website design, branding and domains powered by the same state-of-the-art tools and technology underlying weADAPT.org.