Practical Answers: Knowledge sharing for development
Practical Answers (available online and as an app) provides information on a wealth of technical expertise in areas such as Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction, Water and Sanitation and many more.
Improving smallholder supplier resilience through peer-to-peer knowledge sharing
Improving supplier resilience is important for global food security. If small-scale farmers can enhance their resilience against extreme weather, they are also likely to increase crop yield.
Implementing a smartphone-based monitoring system in Plant your Future’s agroforestry project in the Peruvian Amazon
Plant your future aims to empower farmers in the Amazon to transition out of poverty through agroforestry. This case study describes a smartphone based system to monitor their restoration activities
Visualizing connections: Mapping the landscape of adaptation research and practice through weADAPT
This working paper describes a collaborative project to visually map climate change adaptation research and networks based on semantic tagging in weADAPT.
Hazard Assessment of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood and Potential of ICTs for Coping: A Case of Tiptala Glacial Lake, Taplejung, Nepal
This poster is one of the posters featured at the 9th International Conference on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA9) which took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from April 24-30 2015.
Climate Change Adaptation: Services and Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in India
ICTs can play a crucial role in supporting public outreach, building a data base, creating awareness for the adaptation against the impact of climate change.
2014 Climate Knowledge Brokers Workshop
The Climate Knowledge Brokers (CKB) Group is an emerging alliance of around 50 of the leading global, regional and national knowledge brokers specialising in climate and development information
ICTs, Climate Change and Development: Themes and Strategic Actions
This book looks at the intersection of three domains: information and communication technologies (ICTs), climate change, and socio-economic development sectors.
Using Radio to Improve Local Responses to Climate Variability: The Case of Alpaca Farmers in the Peruvian Andes (CAMELTEC project)
Livelihoods in high mountain areas are made more precarious by climate vulnerability. This case study focuses on radio's contribution to sustainable mountain livelihoods in the Peruvian Andes.
How can we turn climate information into action?
How can we turn climate information into action?