Using SDG Synergies to build capacity in Mongolia
This SDG Synergies Tool case study used SDG Synergies to help build capacity in the Mongolian government for more integrated policymaking.
SDG Synergies Tool
SDG Synergies is a practical tool for understanding how groups of policy areas and targets interact, using systems thinking. Designed by researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute originally to support governments in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG Synergies could be invaluable within and beyond the field of sustainability.
Guardians of the Planet: Asia Pacific Children and Youth Voices on Climate Crisis and Disaster Risk Reduction
The article presents findings from consultations with children and youth in 13 countries in Asia and the Pacific. It highlights their knowledge, experience and contribution to disaster resilience and climate action.
USAID Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation Facility for Asia and the Pacific
The USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific program shared information and best practices about climate fund requirements and helped governments build capacity to access climate change adaptation finance.
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific: Project Preparation Approach Paper
This initial approach paper of the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific project highlights the variety of projects and readiness in each target country in Asia.
Policy Framework for Adaptation Strategies of the Mongolian Rangelands to Climate Change at Multiple Scales (ACCCA)
Summary The main purpose of this project is to increase the resilience of pastoral communities living in transitional ecosystem zones...
Training of Trainers Workshop on Climate Change Science – Summary of Proceedings
ToT Climate science workshop summary
The Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme (NCAP)
This article provides an overview of the first phase of the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance Programme and links to the project reports from the 13 counties covered under the scheme.
Mongolia NCAP Project
Livestock in Mongolia: Daniel Miller Climate Change and Sustainable Livelihood of Rural People in Mongolia Many people in Mongolia depend...
Methodology of Mongolia NCAP Project
In the context of the NCAP project, four interrelated studies were carried out to further develop the understanding of climate...