Mount Kilimanjaro
Adaptation to climate change in the mountains of East Africa
Learn about the challenges of climate change in the mountains of East Africa (the Rwenzori, Virunga, Mount Elgon and Mount Kilimanjaro), and hear examples of adaptation actions in this short video!
Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa
The Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa booklet showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused or accelerated by climate change that negatively affect mountain communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems. The publication includes Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda.
Key Findings from the Kilimanjaro study, NCAP Tanzania project.
Climate change projections for the Kilimanjaro region indicate a 25 to 60% increase in short rain precipitation and an increase...
Planning and costing agriculture’s adaptation in Tanzania: Pastoral livestock system (extensive livestock)
Summary of country findings: Tanzania This study is one of 5 country studies (Bangladesh, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda and Tanzania) exploring...
Tanzania NCAP: The Tanzanian Adaptation Programme
Mushi region with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background. Photo by Muhammad Mahdi Karim Introduction The Tanzanian NCAP report explains vulnerability...
Methodology of Tanzania NCAP Project
The methodologies in the NCAP Tanzania project sits in the broader framework of vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity. Rufiji Methods...
Lessons learned from Tanzania NCAP Project
Conclusion When considering adaptation options it is important to differentiate between genuine adaptive measures and an expansion in coping mechanisms...
Key findings from Tanzania NCAP Project
A great deal of information was gained through the Tanzania NCAP programme. Detailed results from the two different programmes are...
Overview of Regional Climate Change in Africa
Introduction This short overview of climate change issues in Africa was written by Ben Smith and Anna Taylor in 2009...
The Tanzanian Adaptation Program
As part of the NCAP project, resilience and vulnerability in the Rufiji valley of Tanzania are assessed in relation to...