CASE STUDIES: Analytical scope
This page is part of the Mediation Adaptation Pathfinder and documents case studies of some of the adaptation tools and appraoches featured in the Mediation project.
CASE STUDIES: Goals-oriented lens
This page contains links to case studies used in ORCHID, CRiSTAL and NAIADE.
NAIADE is a multi-criteria analysis tool to help choose between different options
Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations
Using a series of criteria of analysis, this review aims at assessing the conditions of applicability of tools that support adaptation decision-making using a bottom-up approach.
Review of adaptation decision tools
Several tools have been developed to support climate adaptation decision-making over the past decade. This pages offers a review of them.
SMCE/NAIADE: Evaluating the effects of the Alumysa Project in the Aysen Region in Chile
Case study links, Chile
NAIADE: using multi-criteria analysis to address water issues
NAIADE was applied to address the perceived problem of under-exploitation of the potential availability of water resources in the town of Troina (eastern Sicily, Italy), through an analysis of different possible alternatives for action to