Politics and policy processes
This following pages provide resources which are relevant to the analysis of politics and policy processes including cross-scale and multi-level interactions.
Mediation training module: PACT
The PACT module, developed for the EC Mediation, gives organisations a detailed analysis of their capacity to take climate resilient decisions plus guidance on their next steps.
CASE STUDIES: Analytical scope
This page is part of the Mediation Adaptation Pathfinder and documents case studies of some of the adaptation tools and appraoches featured in the Mediation project.
The Performance Acceleration Climate Tool (PACT) identifies a number of principles underlying effective change by organisations on climate change issues.
Reviewing tools that use a bottom-up approach & recommendations
Using a series of criteria of analysis, this review aims at assessing the conditions of applicability of tools that support adaptation decision-making using a bottom-up approach.
Review of adaptation decision tools
Several tools have been developed to support climate adaptation decision-making over the past decade. This pages offers a review of them.