Addressing the Land Degradation –Migration Nexus: the Role of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
A review of existing evidence, good practices, and policy recommendations on the complex interrelationships between migration and desertification, land degradation and drought.
Sourcebook: Valuing the Benefits, Costs and Impacts of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures
This sourcebook assists in building awareness, knowledge and capacity about why, how and in which contexts EbA valuation can be used to inform, guide and influence adaptation decision-making.
Addressing Climate Change Impacts in the Sahel Using Vulnerability Reduction Credits
This chapter summarizes the structure and utility of Vulnerability Reduction Credits and shows how VRCs are created and integrated into adaptations to heterogeneous climate risks.
Financial services for resilience: Implementing innovative methodologies to measure resilience in Niger
This report explores the implementation of innovative methodologies to measure the effect of financial services on people's resilience in Niger.
Disasters and national economic resilience: An analysis of BRACED countries
This paper aims to provide an analysis of economic resilience at the national level, presenting broad changes in resilience to climate extremes over a 42 year period.
Integrating disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change: ALP practitioner brief 2
This brief describes a climate-integrated Community-based Early Warning System implemented by the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) in Dakoro, Niger.
Gender dynamics in a changing climate: how gender and adaptive capacity affect resilience
Policy and programme recommendations on gender dynamics and the role of CBA in increasing adaptive capacity and promoting gender equality based on ALP’s practical experiences in Africa since 2010.
GIS-based mapping of flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River valley
In recent decades, flood disaster is threatening human security in West Africa, particularly in the Niger River basin.The study addresses flood vulnerability and risk in the Bénin Niger River Valley
Adaptation Planning with Communities: Practitioner Brief 1
This brief describes ALP’s community adaptation action planning (CAAP) process, which has proven to be a key approach for building motivation and capacity for action on CBA among communities
ALP: Adaptation Strategies Compendium
This compendium presents the range of different adaptation strategies supported by ALP in communities across the four countries where the programme is working.