Egypt: National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change Project
A boat along the Nile, Aswan, Egypt. Image © National Development Plans and Priorities in the context of Climate...
Development and Climate Change In Egypt: Focus on Coastal Resources and the Nile
A boy riding a horse in front of the Great Pyramids of Giza Image: Marko Djurica Executive Summary This report...
Impact, vulnerability and adaptation in Africa: the competition for water
Water is a key vital resource. Regions with steep climatic transition are exposed to the risk of increasing competition for...
CIRCE Foundation Paper – part 1
Foundatation paper on adaptation options and screening. Suggested approach views adaptation as a socio-institutional process of learning and change that needs to be supported in innovative ways
Circe foundation paper
Rationale This interactive user guide is being developed to produce CIRCE project deliverable D13.2.1 Foundatation paper on adaptation options and...
CIRCE case study on the impact of climate change on the W. Nile Delta
The West Nile delta is an important region for agriculture, tourism and industry. Sea-level rise is expected to exacerbate existing problems of coastal erosion and salt-water intrusion.
Development and Climate Change In Egypt: Focus on Coastal Resources and the Nile
Controlling flooding at the source of the Nile. Photo: UNESCO-IHE Initiated by the Development Co-operation and the Environment Directorates in...
Egypt: Sea-Level Rise and Impacts in Africa, 2000 to 2100. Application of the DIVA model to Africa.
City of Alexandria coastline: Image © Impact of sea level rise in Egypt Egypt has a coastal zone of more...