online planning support tool
Using WASH Flows in the in the development of the Tupiza watershed plan, Bolivia
Learn about how WASH Flows was used in Tupiza watershed, Bolivia; an area with limited access to water and sanitation services. Explore how the outputs allowed an evaluation the impact of potential WASH solutions.
WASH Flows Tool
Explore this analytical tool aiming to combine both watershed management and water, sanitation and hygiene goals into a single planning process, encompassing all water supply sources.
Using REVAMP and local collaboration to explore waste management scenarios in Chía, Colombia
Discover how REVAMP was used to find out how to make Chía’s waste management more effective and at the same time contribute to a range of sustainable development priorities.
Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) Tool
This tool uses data on waste streams to estimate total resources and reuse potential in a city's wastewater, enabling city planners and policymakers to better make decisions on urban waste management.
The Green Book: Adapting South African settlements to climate change
The Green Book is an online planning support tool that provides quantitative evidence on the likely impacts that climate change and urbanisation will have on South Africa’s cities and towns.