Using citizen science to monitor particulate matter pollution in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya
Discover how citizen science can be used to investigate air pollution in an informal urban settlement context, and learn about how this resulted in not only increased awareness but a new air quality knowledge exchange network between key local stakeholders.
Citizen science for monitoring air pollution
Learn about this 3-step approach used to engage local communities in monitoring air pollution levels, providing new insights into human health and how to mitigate and avoid pollutants using a citizen science approach.
The SDC’s Engagement for Clean Air for All
The SDC supports partners around the world in tackling climate change and in improving air quality while reducing poverty, improving health and protecting the environment.
Break down the dome – air pollutant source apportionment for clean air in Chinese cities
Chinese and Swiss research institutes are partnering in an SDC-funded project on air pollutant source apportionment to improve air quality in 6 Chinese cities.
LEDS in Practice: Breathe clean by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from urban transport
This paper presents two case studies from cities that have taken action on air quality to improve public health and have realized the benefits of reduced emissions.