Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia
Review of ASEAN Guidance Documents for Climate-Smart Land Use
GIZ's Climate-Smart Land Use project facilitated a review of ASEAN guidelines on climate-smart agriculture/climate-smart land use. This report highlights the key findings of the review.
Understanding the Policy Contexts for Mainstreaming Climate Change in Bhutan and Nepal: A Synthesis
This synthesis compares the policy contexts for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Bhutan and Nepal.
Assessment of adaptation needs, policies and priorities: Cases from Indonesian islands
This scoping assessment presents an overview of the needs of small islands in Indonesia in adapting to the impacts of climate change and climate variability. The assessment was conducted in September to October 2011 with the assistance of local NGOs and peoples organizations in Indonesia.
Mainstreaming Climate Change into Community Development Strategies and Plans: A Case Study in Thailand
Thailand is one of the thirteen countries supported by AKP. This publication highlights the insights gained from the implementation of activities in Thailand in partnership with SEA START and Khon Kaen University.
Adaptation or Development? Exploring the distinctions (or lack thereof) through case studies in Bangladesh and Vietnam
Bangladesh and Vietnam are two of the thirteen countries supported by the Regional Climate ChAdaptation Knowledge Platform. This publication highlights the insights gained from the implementation of activities in both countries, and compares the results in a synthesis study. These insights will catalyze further actions to deepen adaptive action in the region.
Mainstreaming adaptation into local development planning: A case study in Chainat, Thailand
This pilot study aimed to understand climate risks and uncertainty within local communities and demonstrate the integration of adaptation into local development plans. It began with an assessment of climate risks, vulnerability and uncertainty in a community within the Sapanhin sub-district, Nong Mamong district, Chainat province, Thailand. From this, climate change adaptation options to support planning decisions were developed.
The study employed a mixture of approaches, including a vulnerability assessment, Participatory
Rural Appraisal, a review of local development plans and related documents, in-depth interviews,
household surveys and focus group discussions.
Scoping Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Priorities in the Lao PDR
This study evaluates the knowledge of climate change impacts and adaptation needs in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and recommends measures to improve local knowledge, capacity and resilience.
Scoping assessment of knowledge needs in climate change adaptation in China
This report scopes out knowledge gaps and unmet needs relating to climate change adaptation in China, and proposes ways to address them.
Mainstreaming Adaptation into Local Development Plans in Vietnam
This report focuses on two adaptation projects in Vietnam: a climate change vulnerability assessment in the Cat Khanh Commune, Binh Dinh province, and efforts to ‘mainstream’ adaptation in the Binh Dinh province’s fishery sector
Linking Adaptation and Mitigation through Community Forestry: Asia
This report focuses on the linkages between mitigation and adaptation in community forestry contexts. In keeping with the IPCC, we argue that neither mitigation nor adaptation measures alone are sufficient to respond to climate change impacts and that greater attention to the inter-relationships, synergies, and trade-offs between them are required (IPCC, 2007). The five case studies give insights into how and why adaptation considerations must be integrated within forest-based mitigation efforts such as REDD+.