regional climate models
Mountain observations: Monitoring, data, and information for science, policy, and society
Explore this easy-to-read overview of the current state of multi-disciplinary mountain observations. Discover the different methods used to observe mountain environments, as well as the diversity of knowledge and data sources available to learn from.
How to understand and interpret global climate model results
Guide targeted at decision-makers to enable them to interpret the various plots, graphs and maps that are used to present global climate model projections.
Climate data and projections: supporting evidence-based decision-making in the Caribbean
This report provides an overview of climate data and information available from the CARibbean Weather Impacts Group (CARIWIG) data portal and how they can be used to support decision-making.
Impact of climate change on food security in the Nile and Niger basins
Background Ensuring access to sufficient food that meets the needs for an active and healthy life is an issue in...