Risk assessment
Toolkit: monitoring, evaluation, and learning for National Adaptation Plan processes
This toolkit is designed for government teams in developing countries leading their country’s NAP processes to provide flexible yet concrete guidance on the planning, implementation, and revision of MEL systems.
New risk horizons: Sweden’s exposure to climate risk via international trade
Learn about Sweden's place in the global trade system in this SEI report. The study applies innovative multi-method approaches to identify and assess transboundary climate risks facing Sweden via its international trade links.
Women-centric approach to enhance resilience in Kavre district, Nepal
This solution was originally described in the publicationSafer lives and livelihoods in mountains. Published in 2017, this publication portrays 15 good practices and applied research for DRR from mountains around the world, to illustrate how the priorities of the Sendai Framework can best be put into practice.
Orientation Guide on Concepts, Terms and Definitions in the Context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Climate Risk Management
Explore the common concepts, terms, and definitions in the context of Climate Services, Infrastructure Risk Assessment, and Climate Risk Management through this guide.
Advancing disaster policies by integrating dynamic adaptive behaviour in risk assessments using an agent-based modelling approach
Including the dynamic adaptation decisions of governments and households shown to be major determinant of future risk development, which should not be neglected in risk assessments.
Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for the Indian Himalayan Region
This manual provides a common framework for climate vulnerability and risk assessment, a methodology for its application and guidelines for mainstreaming adaptation planning in development plans.
Establishing a Climate Sensitivity Framework in the Context of Business Operations
This case study explores how a Rio Tinto Alcan assessed the exposure of its operations and infrastructure to climate change risks.
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely
This case study explores how EirGrid, Ireland’s public electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO) and ESB Networks (ESBN), Ireland’s Transmission Asset Owner (TAO), completed risk assessment to manage risks posed by climate change.
Risk Assessment of Gas Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure in the UK
This Ouranos case study explores how the UK National Grid Gas plc has taken steps to improve its resilience by producing a risk assessment.
Building railway transport resilience to Alpine hazards in Austria
This case study was originally published on the Climate-ADAPT website – for more information please visit the case study page....