Wellbeing Surveys
Discover how survey tools can be applied in different geographical and cultural contexts to explore health and wellbeing. This page will introduce a range of external surveys and demonstrate their use in urban environments through SEI case studies.
Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) Tool
This tool uses data on waste streams to estimate total resources and reuse potential in a city's wastewater, enabling city planners and policymakers to better make decisions on urban waste management.
Forest Ontario: Ecosystem Restoration Study Guide
This guide explores terrestrial, aquatic, soil, and wildlife restoration and discusses restoration efforts, action plans and case studies, as well as the organizations that have brought these restoration efforts to life.
Y-Adapt: CCA youth engagement curriculum
Y-Adapt is a youth engagement curriculum, developed by the RC Climate Centre that helps young people to both understand climate change and to take practical action to adapt in their community.
Consultation Nationale Estudiantine sur le Changement Climatique et le Développement Durable
Ce projet concerne un plaidoyer au décideurs politiques pour la formation et la mobilisation globale des jeunes autour des enjeux des changements climatiques et du developpement durable:
Student-led clean water initiative builds resiliency among floating villages August 2013: Mr Duoc’s family is 1 of 23 families living in a floating village on the Red River...