Tourism and Climate Change
PROSNOW, a novel climate service enabling real-time optimization of snow management in mountain ski resorts
Connecting platforms
You can also find this solution on the Climate Adaptation Platform for the Alps (CAPA) platform, which supports decision-makers in Alpine countries, regions and municipalities in adapting to climate and on the European climate change adaptation platform, Climate ADAPT.
Climate impacts on agriculture and tourism: The case for climate resilient investment in the Caribbean
An analysis of 10 years of climate change research in the Caribbean found that sectors that are vital to regional economic development are vulnerable to climate change and its impacts.
Construction of rainwater harvesting and waste water recycling facility at the Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa, Vieux Fort, St. Lucia.
View of a section of the CBBRAS water park. Photograph courtesy of Winston Bennett Background The Special Program for Adaptation...
Adapting the Cambodian Tourism Sector to Climate Change: Needs and Challenges
Abstract This study focuses on the climate change adaptation of the tourism sector in Cambodia. Climate change adaptation has come...