Pilot Programme for Integrated Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Grenada
This project supports the island state of Grenada by enhancing the resilience of parts of the population and ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
sNAPshot: Grenada’s Approach to Initiating Sector Integration of Adaptation Considerations
This sNAPshot looks at how Grenada initiated sectoral integration of adaptation considerations, and how this compares with approaches that other countries are taking.
Climate impacts on agriculture and tourism: The case for climate resilient investment in the Caribbean
An analysis of 10 years of climate change research in the Caribbean found that sectors that are vital to regional economic development are vulnerable to climate change and its impacts.
sNAPshot: Initiating sector integration of adaptation considerations
This overview brief from the NAP Global Network introduces the topic of sector integration and different ways to initiate it in the national adaptation plan (NAP) process.
Annexes to Latin America Regional Climate Screening
Annex 1: Intensification of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) One of the climatic events that may become more frequent and intense...