Climate Resilient Agriculture Network – Türkiye
The Climate Resilient Agriculture Network (CRAN) brings together non-governmental organizations, farmers' unions, public institutions and organizations, the private sector, academia, and working groups to work on sharing, implementing, and disseminating adaptation methods and experiences.
Framing Community Disaster Resilience: Resources, Capacities, Learning, and Action
Framing Community Disaster Resilience (textbook) offers a guide to the theories, research and approaches for addressing the complexity of community resilience towards hazardous events or disasters.
Map of Turkey: Source CIA Factbook This climate analysis was produced in 2009 as a contribution to an Environment and...
Mali Institutional Issues
NB: This page is part of an article was written in February 2009 to support the development of Sida's country...
Overview of Climate Change and Adaptation in Mali
Overview of the state of climate change in Mali. Written in 2009.
Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity Research
The aims of the Agrobiodiversity and Climate Change project are to bring together information, stimulate communication and identify relevant tools and practices.
Burkina Faso
Note: This report was produced in Feb 2009 as part of work to support Sida Environment and Climate strategies for...