Establishment of a Competence Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Morocco (4C Maroc)
Morocco is expected to suffer considerably from the impacts of climate change: summer temperatures in the Atlas Mountains are projected to rise by more than 6 °C by 2080; the frequency and severity of heat waves are projected to increase strongly by the end of the century; and less rainfall is projected, ranging from about a 25% decrease in the south to approximately a 40% decrease in the agro-economic zone in the north.
To reduce its vulnerability the government decided to contribute actively to mitigating climate change and adapting to its impacts. To facilitate the mobilisation of its ambitious plans Morocco set up 4C Maroc, which provides a capacity-building and information-sharing platform on climate change. The platform is available to various stakeholders and has a regional and African outreach.
Following a long process of dialogue between stakeholders, key ministries, representatives of public administrations, the private and the semi-public sector, civil society and training and research organisations, ‘4C Maroc’ finally held its constitutive general assembly meeting in October 2015. However, while it commenced its activities in 2015, action had already been taken within the framework of Project 4C, which supported the establishment of 4C Maroc.
Project 4C is being implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety within the scope of the International Climate Initiative. The national lead executing agency is the Ministerial Delegate to the Minister of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment responsible for environment. The GIZ project started in 2013 and will last until 2017.
Methods and Tools
The GIZ project aims to define the roles and tasks of the Climate Competence Centre at both regional and national levels, through consultation with the relevant partners. It assesses demand and provides support in the training of experts, along with any necessary equipment. To ensure Moroccan institutions can systematically assess, document and disseminate successful measures already in place, the project shares examples of good practice with them and provides detailed information on methodologies, costs and results. In addition, instruments are being developed that will help to establish a sustainable knowledge management system in the field of greenhouse gases and adaptation to climate change. This work includes:
- developing vulnerability indicators and identifying vulnerability ‘hotspots’;
- establishing a climate database;
- identifying, processing and disseminating data and tools which can be used for training in the field of climate (climate- proofing, nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), etc);
- drawing up a list of contacts who are responsible for ensuring climate risks are taken into account in territorial and sectoral planning;
- developing an information system to facilitate the systematic development of greenhouse gas inventories and therefore make it easier to draft the national reports;
- developing a ‘Green Investment Plan’;
- preparing the members of the Moroccan delegations for the international climate talks so they can effectively represent Morocco’s interests in international climate dialogue or negociations; and
- creating and regularly updating a website for 4C Maroc.
The aim is to train at least 20 national experts, whose role it will be to disseminate information on Moroccan climate policy, potential adaptation and mitigation measures, and services provided by 4C Maroc. Officials from the relevant ministries, including those operating at regional and local level, are to receive training to inform them of developments in these areas. An awareness-raising campaign is being carried out that targets decision-makers operating at local level as well as private sector companies, civil society and the media.
At the international level, the project supports climate policy dialogue with other Maghreb countries, Germany and the European Union, and ensures that the private sector, the research community and civil society are brought on board. A partnership agreement is to be signed that will include provisions for cooperation with at least one similar centre in Europe.
4C Maroc provides a capacity-building and information-sharing platform on climate change. It can serve an example on how to create a multi-stakeholder framework with an integrated work plan that other countries can adapt and adopt.
Transferability: In the Maghreb region, Morocco is on the cutting edge regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, similar to Jordan in Mashrek region. It will need the strong will of the government, a high level of awareness within civil society and a far-sighted private sector to establish such a centre. Non-governmental organisations and foreign agencies can be extremely helpful in catalysing the process, supporting it financially and mediating in the negotiations.
Assertive but flexible decision-makers at all levels are a prerequisite for success in the establishment of such an entity and for giving it a transformative role for economy and society.
Read about other examples of climate change adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in Bartels, M. & Prinz, D. (Eds.) (2016) ‘Coping with Water Scarcity under Changing Climatic Conditions: Best Practices and Innovations on Trial‘, available here.
Suggested Citation
Westenberger, E. and Boussaid, M. (2016) Establishment of a Competence Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Morocco (4C Maroc). In Bartels, M. & Prinz, D. (Eds.) (2016) ‘Coping with Water Scarcity under Changing Climatic Conditions: Best Practices and Innovations on Trial.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Bonn, Germany
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