Tackling transboundary climate risks in the Middle East and North Africa
This brief highlights transboundary climate risks in the MENA region and why countries struggle to invest in systemic resilience. It evaluates adaptation finance, noting the limitations of European support, and offers recommendations for MENA policymakers, including increasing adaptation finance and decentralizing governance for better resilience.
Climate-induced migration in the Global South: an in depth analysis
This study explores how climate-induced stressors, specifically rising temperatures, water stress and droughts, and floods and sea-level rise, have affected populations in the Global South, leading to voluntary and/or forced migration.
SDC Climate change foresight analysis 2021: Global and regional risks and hotspots
This 2021 foresight report provides information about short- and medium-term climate-related risks and analyses these risks with regard to water, food, health and regional stability.
SDC Climate change foresight analysis 2020: Global and regional risks and hotspots
This foresight report provides information about short- and medium-term climate-related risks and analyses these risks with regard to water, food, health and regional stability.
Increasing Water Efficiency through Agricultural Drainage Water Reuse in the Nile Delta, Egypt
A GIZ pilot measure was implemented in the Nile Delta, focussing on mixing fresh irrigation water with drainage water under controlled conditions to improve the total volume of irrigation water.
Establishment of a Competence Centre for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Morocco (4C Maroc)
A climate competence centre has been set up in Morocco to establish a CC mitigation and adaptation structure (4C Maroc) to aid the implementation and development of its national climate policy.
Publications and Other Resources on Sustainable Mountain Development
This page brings together all the key publications (multiple languages) on Sustainable Mountain Development produced and/or funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and partners.
The impacts of climate change on food security and nutrition in the Middle East and North Africa
This report sets out the risks to food security in the Middle East and North Africa from climate change, and how these vulnerabilities interact with other key trends and sources of risk.
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Photo © World Bank Project description This project assisted the World Bank in assessing the range of effective adaptation strategies...
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Photo © World Bank Project description This project assisted the World Bank in assessing the range of effective adaptation strategies...