Taking Action Together for Resilient Mountain Communities in the South Caucasus
Learn about the outcomes of the interactive regional meeting hosted by UNEP and Sustainable Caucasus in Tbilisi, Georgia, which aimed to support regional collaboration among South Caucasus countries for climate adaptation planning and action.
Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from the South Caucasus
The Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from the South Caucasus booklet showcases adaptation solutions proven to be successful in response to specific issues caused, or accelerated by, climate change that negatively affect mountain communities’ livelihoods and ecosystems. The publication covers Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Mountain Adaptation Outlook Series: Synthesis Report
This 2018 synthesis report explores existing adaptation policies in main global mountain regions, and identifies gaps - as well as opportunities - to integrate mountain-specific adaptation measures into key sectoral, national and regional development strategies and policies.
Adaptation at Altitude Regional Meeting: Taking Action Together for Resilient Mountain Communities in the South Caucasus
The regional session featured exchange on adaptation solutions, discussions of national and local adaptation plans and consultation on opportunities of regional dialogue and collaborative action.
SDC Climate change foresight analysis 2021: Global and regional risks and hotspots
This 2021 foresight report provides information about short- and medium-term climate-related risks and analyses these risks with regard to water, food, health and regional stability.
SDC Climate change foresight analysis 2020: Global and regional risks and hotspots
This foresight report provides information about short- and medium-term climate-related risks and analyses these risks with regard to water, food, health and regional stability.
Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development – Turning Challenges into Opportunities
This publication seeks to provide insights into the complex migration processes and the resulting opportunities and challenges for mountain communities and regions.
Managing disaster risks and water under climate change in Central Asia and Caucasus
This publication presents the conclusions emerging from a joint learning journey involving three thematic networks – Climate Change and Environment, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Water.