ACT brings leading experts from around the world together with industry, community, and government decision-makers to explore the risks posed by top-of-mind climate change issues and identify opportunities for sustainable adaptation.
ACT studies nine top-of-mind climate change areas (Biodiversity, Extreme Weather, Energy, Water Security, Crops & Food Supply, Sea Level Rise, Health Risks, Population Displacement, and New Technologies) and considers ways to protect environmental, economic and social well being throughout its five-year program.
Working in conjunction with leading experts supported by the expertise of SFU researchers and faculty, ACT studies the problems posed as well as potential solutions, and identifies policy opportunities while developing adaptation resources.
ACT is:
- The only university-based think tank initiative in North America dedicated to climate change adaptation
- Involved in adaptation in Canada and internationally through academic, corporate and community events, networks and affiliations
- A publisher of research reports identifying policy opportunities and resources designed to bridge from theory to action in support of sustainable adaptation
- A clearing house for Canadian and international adaptation and climate change information
- A way to get involved
Twitter: @ACTadaptation