Adaptation to global warming in Australia
Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
A checklist matrix of 8-10 critical barriers to climate change adaptation for local government across Australia was developed with proposed strategies to overcome them.
Adapting the community sector for climate extremes
Abstract People experiencing poverty and inequality will be affected first and worst by the impacts of climate change to infrastructure...
Cities and climate change
Views on trends, challenges, findings and case studies of cities adapting throughout the world.
Planning Adaptation in Bangladesh
Adaptation: Responding to the threat of Climate Change This work forms part of a Policy Briefing on Climate Change in...
CIRCE Foundation Paper – part 3
CIRCE Foundation Paper - part 3: Adaptation as a Socio-Instiutional Learning Process
CASE STUDIES: Goals-oriented lens
This page contains links to case studies used in ORCHID, CRiSTAL and NAIADE.
Practical Action: Technology and Adaptation
Briefing Paper: Technology for adapting to climate change Climate change is currently threatening the livelihoods of millions of people who...
Overview of Climate Change and Adaptation in Mali
Overview of the state of climate change in Mali. Written in 2009.
Lessons learned from Mongolia NCAP Project
Building an institutional environment for adaptation Having realized that adaptation measures will be hard to implement without a strong and...
Framework for developing a municipal adaptation plan
This article originally appeared in Tiempo Issue 87 April 2008 A framework for the development of a Municipal Adaptation Plan...