Implemented in 2009 to 2013, the Adaptation Knowledge Platform (AKP) worked towards building bridges between knowledge and action on adaptation to climate change by actively engaging with governments, agencies and communities that need this knowledge to inform their responses to the challenges that climate change presents them. Its goal was to strengthen adaptive capacity and facilitate climate change adaptation in Asia at local, national and regional levels.
The main aim of AKP was to establish a regionally and nationally owned mechanism that facilitates the integration of climate change adaptation into national and regional economic and development policies, processes and plans, strengthen linkages between adaptation and the sustainable development agenda in the region and enhance institutional and research capacity, in collaboration with a wide range of national and regional partners. AKP pioneered the Asian Pacific Adaptation Network Forum until APAN took over.
AKP covered the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (Cambodia, China PR, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam), South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka) and South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines).
AKP was financially supported by the Swedish Government through Sida and its seeds were planted during from the 2008 Swedish Environmental Secretariat for Asia (SENSA) Retreat in Siem Riep, Cambodia in10-12 February.
The key partners partners of AKP were the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Swedish Environmental Secretariat for Asia (SENSA), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)/UNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (AIT/UNEP RRC.AP).
In 2013, AKP was merged with the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN).