Synthesis Report of the Second Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum – Mainstreaming Adaptation in Development: Adaptation in Action
This report is a synthesis of the key statements and arguments made by speakers and participants during the Second Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum held in Bangkok at the United Nations Conference Centre from March 12 to 13, 2012. In preparing the report, we drew on our participation in the sessions, the summaries provided by a team of rapporteurs, and the background briefing notes written by participants.
The Second Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum was held at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok on March 12 and 13, 2012. It brought together more than 800 policymakers, scientists, donors, youths and representatives of Asian and Pacific countries. The Forum was organized by the Adaptation Knowledge Platform (AKP) and the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) along with several other partners.
The report is organized thematically following the structure of the forum program. If a particular panel talk raised significant points about a theme beyond the one they were in, then these are reported under the theme rather than under the panel. Specific statements by speakers in plenary sessions are attributed within the text, whereas those made in panels are attributed in the endnotes.
This weADAPT article is an abridged version of the original text, which can be downloaded from the right-hand column. Please access the original text for more detail, research purposes, full references, or to quote text.
The plenary subjects are as follows:
Plenary One- Adaptation and Action
- P1- International Agreements and Initiatives
- P2- National Policies, Strategies and Programs
- P3- Local Government Planning
- P4- Private Sector Strategies, Responsibilities and Contributions
- P5- Multi-level Coordination
- P6- Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation Actions
- P6B- Building Climate Resilient Cities
Plenary Two- Insights from Practice
- P7- Managing Water for Food and Agriculture
- P8- Disaster Management and Climate Change Adaptation
- P9-Community-based Adaptation
- P9B-Gender and Adaptation Mainstreaming
- P10-Ecosystem Management and Ecosystem-based Adaptation
- P12- Mainstream and Alternative Media
Plenary Three- Governance of Adaptation
- P13-Decision-making, Public Participation and Fairness
- P14-Climate Proofing Infrastructure
- P15-Public Health and Adaptation to Climate Change
- P16-Financing Adaptation
- P17 – Options for Small Island States
- P18 – Climate-Induced Migration and Livelihood Security
- P19-Experiences in the IPCC
- P20-South-South Learning Across World Regions
- P21 – Local and Experience-based Knowledge
- P22 – Synergies between Adaptation Toolkits and Methods in Practice
- P23 – Provision and Application of Climate Information
- P24 Youth and Adaptation
Plenary 4 – Linking Knowledge and Action
Synthesis Report: 2nd Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum Mainstreaming Adaptation in Development: Adaptation in Action. Regional Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia Report: Bangkok.