Capacity-building on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for District and National Environmental Officers of Bhutan
Read about when SEI conducted a customised 5-day interactive workshop on climate change adaptation and mitigation in Bangkok for staff of Bhutan’s National Environmental Commission.
USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Study for the Lower Mekong Basin: Key Final Results
The USAID Mekong ARCC project is a five-year program (2011-2016) funded by the USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) in Bangkok and implemented by DAI in partnership with the International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), World Resources Institute (WRI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI).
Understanding Adaptation Planning: Selected Case Studies in Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam
This publication is a result of the objectives of the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to support countries in the Asian region to strengthen their capabilities to introduce effective adaptation measures. This includes undertaking activities at the national, sub-national and local levels to create enabling policy, regulatory, planning and budgeting environments in Nepal, Philippines and Nepal.
Analysis of Forestry Policy, Acts and Rules of Bhutan to Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation
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A fast, cost-effective but fully-featured website for your project or organisation Take advantage of tools and features that have already been built and tested. Focus your energy and budget on your content instead. A way to expand your audience/reach by taking advantage of existing networks Your content will be discoverable by our audience of over 120,000 unique annual visitors from the adaptation, development and environment communities. A way of extending the life of your research beyond your project/funding Vital knowledge can be lost altogether when projects come to an end. Instead, your content will live on for others to learn from and build upon.
Understanding the Policy Contexts for Mainstreaming Climate Change in Bhutan and Nepal: A Synthesis
This synthesis compares the policy contexts for mainstreaming climate change adaptation in Bhutan and Nepal.
Joining the dots – learning to work collaboratively to address climate change
Climate change - a systemic challenge Climate change introduces new complexities and uncertainties into decision-making and planning. It also compounds...
Assessment of adaptation needs, policies and priorities: Cases from Indonesian islands
This scoping assessment presents an overview of the needs of small islands in Indonesia in adapting to the impacts of climate change and climate variability. The assessment was conducted in September to October 2011 with the assistance of local NGOs and peoples organizations in Indonesia.
A holistic approach to climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment: Pilot study in Thailand
This paper points out gaps in using sectoral vulnerability and adaptation assessment for landscape adaptation planning, and proposes instead an extended framework for climate change vulnerability and adaptation with a holistic view of the landscape.
Mainstreaming Climate Change into Community Development Strategies and Plans: A Case Study in Thailand
Thailand is one of the thirteen countries supported by AKP. This publication highlights the insights gained from the implementation of activities in Thailand in partnership with SEA START and Khon Kaen University.
Adaptation or Development? Exploring the distinctions (or lack thereof) through case studies in Bangladesh and Vietnam
Bangladesh and Vietnam are two of the thirteen countries supported by the Regional Climate ChAdaptation Knowledge Platform. This publication highlights the insights gained from the implementation of activities in both countries, and compares the results in a synthesis study. These insights will catalyze further actions to deepen adaptive action in the region.