The Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership links practitioners and policymakers through a network of three dynamic regional platforms and six crosscutting working groups.
Many countries are now designing and implementing low emission development strategies (LEDS) to simultaneously
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- increase resilience to climate change impacts
- achieve social, economic and environmental development goals.
LEDS GP aims to support effective implementation of new LEDS worldwide by national and subnational governments. To achieve this it harnesses the collective knowledge and resources of its global membership – 160 countries plus international donor and technical organizations.
Join LEDS GP: Membership is free to organizations, individuals and governments working to promote LEDS at local, national, regional and global levels.
LEDS GP operates through an innovative distributed leadership model. Regional institutions manage the platforms for Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, and their national and regional members identify key priorities.
Technical working groups and affiliated programs support implementation through six crosscutting working groups:
- Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
- Finance
- Benefits assessment of LEDS
- Subnational integration of LEDS
- Energy
- Transport
The Partnership is coordinated by a joint secretariat (the Climate and Development Knowledge Network and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory), guided by a steering committee. It follows the Latimer House Principles.
The Partnership’s work and collaboration is supported by the US State Department and US Agency for International Development (USAID), the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and a range of other donors. The network has an innovative devolved and distributed leadership structure that places national needs at its heart.