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GoLo CarSce: Global-Local Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Scenarios

This project helps Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean to better understand and manage the effects of Climate Change (CC), to improve resilience and to build adaptive capacity, as a means of promoting more sustainable forms of development and sustainable livelihoods.
Small Islands

Low lying areas vulnerable to climate change. © golocarsce.

Research focus

The overall objective of the project is to help Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean better understand and manage the effects of Climate Change (CC), to improve resilience and build adaptive capacity, as a means of promoting more sustainable forms of development and sustainable livelihoods. Specifically, it is designed to improve the scientific understanding of the effects of CC on the ecological, social, political and economic systems of the small islands of the Caribbean through the development of a set of locally-relevant, socio-economic scenarios for the Caribbean.


This project is intended to improve resilience and build adaptive capacity towards promoting more sustainable forms of development and sustainable livelihoods. The project aims to improve the scientific understanding of the effects of climate change on the ecological, social, political and economic systems of Caribbean SIDS, through the development of a set of locally-relevant, socio-economic scenarios for the Caribbean which:

  • are being designed within the context and framework of Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR5);
  • make use of four new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) of the IPCC;
  • will apply cutting edge technologies and tools in order to present the most comprehensive and scientifically credible data and projections about the effects of climate change within the Caribbean Region in the medium to long-term (2035 and 2100).

SEI’s involvement

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is working with theglobal to local climate change adaptation and mitigation scenarios (GoLo CarSce), a three-yearaction aiming to help small island developing states (SIDS) within the Caribbean Region better understand and manage the effects of climate change.

SEI is leading the component on socio-economic modeling, to generatethe quantitative data which will support the development of the socio-economic scenarios for the Caribbean. SEI will also draw on its experience with scenario methods to assist in developing the socio-economic scenarios.

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