Does Adaptation Lead to Development? – Pakistan
This poster is one of the posters featured at the CBA9 conferance 2015. For more information about CBA9, visit:
CBA and resilience-building in Ethiopia
Beleta Hode has been involved in the GRAD programme for 10 months. “Since taking part in GRAD my family is...
GoLo CarSce: Global-Local Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Scenarios
This project helps Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean to better understand and manage the effects of Climate Change (CC), to improve resilience and to build adaptive capacity, as a means of promoting more sustainable forms of development and sustainable livelihoods.
Key Findings from the Rufiji study, NCAP Tanzania project.
Over 90% of households indicated that they relied upon means other than agriculture to survive flood and drought. All households...
NCAP Ghana project: Climate-Poverty linkages
There is a strong relationship between climate and poverty levels. The key findings of the study showed that districts that...
Social protection: Food Security
Climate Change and Social Protection Briefing Note April 2008: Gina Ziervogel, Anna Taylor and Ruth Butterfield Overview The current focus...