Video – Pemimpin Muda Delta Api Bali terhadap kondisi Wilayah Delta Api

Participatory mapping
Delta Api Bali is a collaborative participatory mapping project for climate change adaptation in Bali. Participatory mapping by villagers is a small scale project to support climate change adaptation.The local youth leaders and villagers are the agents for the implementation of the Delta Api Concept. In Bali, we have done participatory mapping in three villages in Jembrana Regency. These are Air Kuning Village, Perancak Village and Budeng Village. These villages were chosen for several reasons,but mainly because they are coastal villages which are facing increased vulnerability to climate change.
The participatory mapping consisted of spatial mapping, social mapping and climate change data mapping. The concept of participatory mapping is utilised to manage advocacy for social and spatial rights, natural resources mapping, areas of conflict and relationships among institutions. Villagers need to know the potential of their village both in terms of natural resources and human resources. The aim of this participatory mapping is to provide a base for bottom up planning.
The video below describes the project in more detail (in Indonesian).