2 degrees
COPE Books for Children: Heatwaves
Learn about disaster risk reduction and heatwaves in this illustrated children's book. The COPE squad travel to the WMO HQ in Geneva, Switzerland on the way on their epic Heatwaves mission where they put their disaster risk reduction skills into action!
Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs, UN CC:eLearn course
The course Integrating Climate Risk Information into NAPs shows how to strengthen National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) through appropriate climate information and coordinated policy action, enabling different types of institutions and actors to work together in a collaborative framework, drawing on the resources of the global hydro-meteorological community at large.
The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya
Effects of drought in Kenya: Image: © Newstime Africa Executive Summary This study has assessed the Economics of Climate Change...
IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies climate change impacts, with climate and impacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and economic costs, responses, within a pan-European sector based analysis.