bottom up approach
Policy brief: Participatory planning in Kenya’s drylands: The Ward Development Planning model
This policy brief summarises key learning from the Ward Development Planning model, an innovative approach to local participatory development planning being implemented in Kenya’s drylands.
Locally Led Adaptation: From Principles to Practice
Explore 21 global examples of approaches and mechanisms to advance locally led adaptation, which positions local actors as key decision-makers in climate adaptation. Learn about how these approaches can be successfully implemented in practice.
Principles for Locally Led Adaptation
Learn more about the principles for locally led adaptation. Developed by the Global Commission on Adaptation, the principles aim to guide the adaptation community as it moves programs, funding, and practices towards adaptation that is increasingly owned by local partners.
Why context matters in ecosystem resilience: Five insights from India and Guatemala
What insights can we learn from Guatemala and India on community-led adaptation to create resilient ecosystems? Learn more in this article summarizing a policy paper by the Climate-SDG Integration project.
Bottom-Up Innovation for Adaptation Financing – New Approaches for Financing Adaptation Challenges Developed Through Practitioner Labs
With regard to climate change adaptation, SMEs in emerging economies face significant financing challenges. Here, adelphi presents 6 innovative bottom-up approaches from India, Thailand and Uganda.
Análisis del contexto socio-institucional Bosque Modelo Araucarias de Alto Malleco
Este artículo sintetiza los resultados de un estudio que analiza el contexto socio-institucional en el Bosque Modelo Araucarias de Alto Malleco en los territorios de Lonquimay y Curacautín de Chile
Análisis del contexto socio-institucional del Bosque Modelo Jujuy
Introducción Este artículo sintetiza los resultados de un estudio que analiza el contexto socio-institucional en el Bosque Modelo Jujuy en...
Análisis del contexto socio-institucional de la cuenca Zapocó, Bosque Modelo Chiquitano
Introducción Este artículo sintetiza los resultados de un estudio que analiza el contexto socio-institucional en el Bosque Modelo de la...