climate change adaptation planning
Knowledge Networking to Address Climate Change Impacts and Disaster Risks by Engaging Local Groups and Institutions to Localise Actions
Learn about the Government of Himachal Pradesh's efforts to incorporate climate change and disaster risk reduction issues at the highest levels of governance. The article discusses how the state government transformed the administrative and technical outlook to institutionalize the state's knowledge network and mainstream SDG 13 in the planning process.
Participatory Assessment of Climate and Disaster Risk
The PACDR is a Hazard Vulnerability Capacity Assessment Tool, designed to conduct participatory community assessments providing the basis for effective and sustainable adaptation strategies.
EU-Australia bi-lateral workshop on developing and using web-based resources
The purpose of this workshop was to address nationally relevant issues around best practice (digital and domain) delivery of climate ‘intelligence’ platforms for Australia.
Barriers in municipal climate change adaptation: Results from case studies using backcasting
This study aimed to investigate barriers to successful local climate change adaptation due to lack of support from decision makers in organisations other than the municipality in question.
sNAPshot: Initiating sector integration of adaptation considerations
This overview brief from the NAP Global Network introduces the topic of sector integration and different ways to initiate it in the national adaptation plan (NAP) process.
Elements of a frame of reference for evaluating adaptation to climate change: The RAC-Québec case
This document proposes a frame of reference for the evaluation of adaptation, and its application in 2 sectors: forestry and the built environment and infrastructure.
Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking Policy and Economics
This report provides practical guidance and the latest evidence for policy makers on how they can more reliably estimate the costs and benefits of adaptation.
Climate Change Adaptation and Extreme Weather: Summary Recommendations: Making Canada’s communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather
Introduction Extreme weather events such as severe thunderstorms, ice storms, blizzards, windstorms, tornadoes and hail are part of life in...
Close to home: subnational strategies for climate compatible development
Executive Summary The battle for climate compatible development will be won or lost at the subnational level: in provinces, districts...
Adapting to A Changing Climate: Guide to Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) and Management Planning
This guide is designed for practitioners working within and with local governments and communities that normally facilitate capacity development at the community or local level.