mainstreaming climate change
Knowledge Networking to Address Climate Change Impacts and Disaster Risks by Engaging Local Groups and Institutions to Localise Actions
Learn about the Government of Himachal Pradesh's efforts to incorporate climate change and disaster risk reduction issues at the highest levels of governance. The article discusses how the state government transformed the administrative and technical outlook to institutionalize the state's knowledge network and mainstream SDG 13 in the planning process.
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Regions of India: ASSAR Regional Diagnostic Study
ASSAR is a research project that seeks to understand the factors that have prevented climate change adaptation from being more widespread and successful. This article features ASSAR's work in India.
Planning for the future and adapting to climate change in Uganda – Lessons from ACCRA
ACCRA helps decision makers improve planning and be better prepared for the future using the Flexible and Forward-Looking Decision Making (FFDM) approach.
Economics of Climate Change in the Pacific
Sharing of lessons internally with partners
Sharing of learning externally to the climate services community of practice
TAG: sharing lessons for climate services
Community Driven Vulnerability Evaluation Programme Designer
This handbook provides a detailed road-map with clear instructions on applying the CoDriVE-PD framework for designing projects to include evaluation of vulnerability to climate change.
Overcoming the barriers: Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in developing countries
The report intends to promote discussion on opportunities for further action research and on strategies for increasing awareness and information related to climate adaptation in development sectors
National Adaptation Planning
Designing robust, flexible adaptation strategies for national adaptation plans.
Climate services
This theme covers information and research for understanding and using climate data, communicating climate change and providing effective climate services.
Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation in Bangladesh (CBACC-CF)
Adaptation context The National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the Initial National Communication (INC) established that a weak economy...