climate funds
How to fix funding bottlenecks and pave the way for locally led adaptation
A new survey explores the operational bottlenecks preventing local organisations from accessing climate adaptation funding. As the UN General Assembly approaches, IIED’s May Thazin Aung and BRAC’s Sousan Suha share the survey’s findings and explains how funders can smooth the way for locally led adaptation.
The LEDS GP Resource guide for NDC finance
This guide presents a curated selection of high quality resources on a range of topics around finance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS).
Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience – A Training Manual
This manual is part of the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (UCCAR) training course and incorporates case studies, tools, methodologies, and guidelines.
Understanding the Green Climate Fund: Implications for the Evolving Architecture of Direct Access to Climate Finance
This paper describes the Green Climate Fund and outlines key considerations to be taken into account to enhance the readiness of NCFs to directly access international climate finance.
Green Climate Fund Proposal Toolkit
This toolkit was developed to assist you in understanding what makes a funding proposal bankable and successful when it is reviewed during a GCF board meeting.
Understanding ‘bankability’ and unlocking climate finance for climate compatible development
This paper focuses on understanding the concept of ‘bankability’ in support of the development of quality ‘bankable’ project proposals – to assist countries’ access to international climate finance.
The Adaptation Finance Gap Report 2016
This report focuses on finance, technology and knowledge gaps in climate change adaptation and ways to address them. It also explores the implications of failing to limit global carbon emissions.
Climate finance: How are dedicated climate funds progressing towards impact? 2015 update to reported results
This short update summarises results reported in 2015 by 14 funds which have collectively approved more than $8.7 billion for climate change projects in developing countries.
Climate finance: is it making a difference? A review of the effectiveness of multilateral climate funds
This report, for the first time, analyses a decade of contributions and spending to nine major international and two national funds set-up to tackle climate change.