Issues around developing and working with vulnerability indicators at the urban level in Europe
Vulnerability indicators are a valuable tool to identify vulnerable spots, guide the allocation of adaptation funding, communicate and raise awareness, and monitor the effectiveness of policies.
Tools and Methods
It is important to distinguish between tools aimed at climate impact assessments, for example crop models or water planning models,...
Share your vulnerability assessment information & experiences
If/when you and your colleagues have conducted a vulnerability assessment in the area(s) you are working, it would be great...
Multiple pathways
There have been many different experiences of NeWater Project partners in uncovering answers to our research questions. Depending on the...
Dynamic vulnerability
Lesotho landscape (photo: Sukaina Bharwani) Vulnerability is a complex and by definition it encompasses many attributes or multiple stresses (social,...
Developing a livelihood-sensitivity matrix
This page shows how to develop a livelihood sensitivity matrix that can be used in several ways: - To synthesize...