future climate change
How to understand and interpret global climate model results
Guide targeted at decision-makers to enable them to interpret the various plots, graphs and maps that are used to present global climate model projections.
IMPALA: Improving Model Processes For African Climate
The project aims to improve the ability of climate models to capture African climate systems, and thereby better enable decision-makers in Africa to use climate information.
Africa’s Climate: Helping decision-makers make sense of climate information
This Future Climate For Africa report presents an overview of climate trends across regions of Africa & a series of climate factsheets that are tailored for specific sub-regions and countries.
Migration, development and climate change in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
This paper looks at the current state of migration in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, the risks, opportunities and strategies migration offers, and its nexus with development and climate change.
The climate change, migration and economic development nexus in North Africa: An overview
This article addresses the climate change and migration nexus from the perspective of disaster risks and employment, and focuses on Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
UK private sector resilience and market opportunities for climate products and services
Climate change is presenting UK businesses with opportunities as well as risks, according to this report commissioned by the Environment Agency and produced by Acclimatise.
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
This report presents key findings from the Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX).
FCFA Pilot: Future Climate For Africa Pilot Phase: Zambia Technical Report
This FCFA pilot study in Zambia sought to examine how to make climate science actionable, so decision-makers could make informed and robust adaptation and development investments.
FCFA Pilot: Report from the Future Climate for Africa Pilot Country Case Study project; Ghana
Introduction As a precursor to the Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) research activities, CDKN, on behalf of DFID commissioned a...
Exploring the role of climate science in supporting long-term adaptation and decision-making in sub-Saharan Africa
Summary Africa faces considerable challenges in adapting to the long-term impacts of climate change. Policy-makers not only have to contend...