impact modelling
INSIDE STORY: Climate change and flood risk – Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities
This case study describes the potential medium- and long-term impacts of climate variability and change on flood risk for selected study areas in Jamaica.
Rios del Páramo al Valle: Building climate adaptation capacity in water resources planning
This report synthesizes lessons from a three-year project that used participatory planning processes to build capacity and develop tools to support climate change adaptation in Colombian watersheds.
IMPRESSIONS – Impacts And Risks From High-End Scenarios: Strategies For Innovative Solutions
IMPRESSIONS aims to understand the consequences of high-end climate change and to evaluate how such knowledge can be used in effective and integrated adaptation and mitigation decision-making.
Climate variability and the vulnerability of food and farming
Climate research has focused on the impacts of higher mean temps. This review finds this has limited our understanding of how variability, such as heat waves will impact farming systems.