Integrated Watershed Management
WASH Flows Tool
Explore this analytical tool aiming to combine both watershed management and water, sanitation and hygiene goals into a single planning process, encompassing all water supply sources.
First Latin-American edition of IPROMO: Sustainable Management of Socio-Ecosystems in the Andes
This article describes the first course of the IPROMO Mountains Training Programme held in Spanish. The course was organised by CONDESAN with the support of two initiatives financed by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC).
From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience
This report shows how local ecosystem based adaptation (EbA) approaches make farming systems more resilient in India and proposes six key messages for scaling up EbA.
Integrating ecosystem-based adaptation and integrated water resources management for climate-resilient water management
This study explores how ecosystem-based adaptation and integrated water resources management can be merged to achieve greater climate resilience in watersheds.
Introduction and training resources for the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) tool
A starting point of introductory videos for anyone new or experienced to WEAP, an integrated water resources planning tool and user-friendly framework for policy analysis.
Mediation training module: WEAP
This training module, developed in the EC Mediation project describes the WEAP model and relevant applications.