urban areas
Locally Led Planning: A Guide for Building Climate Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements
Discover resources for locally-led, inclusive, multisectoral upgrading for climate resilience in urban informal settlements in this guide. It aims to support a range of stakeholders to both build climate resilience in informal settlements and link locally led action with broader processes of urban and climate governance.
WASH Flows Tool
Explore this analytical tool aiming to combine both watershed management and water, sanitation and hygiene goals into a single planning process, encompassing all water supply sources.
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change in the UK: A Report by the British Ecological Society
This report examines how nature-based solutions can address societal problems in the UK in ways which benefit both people and nature.
Inspiring Climate Action in African Cities
This paper contains 17 case studies, each providing creative ways that various stakeholders have found to adapt to complex, interwoven climatic and social challenges.
Responding to climate change in cities and in their informal settlements and economies
This article summarizes ways in which climate change adaptation and mitigation can be achieved in informal settlements.
Even half a degree of warming matters for South Asia’s urban poor
Aditi Paul of CDKN Asia reflects on the revelations in the IPCC’s 1.5°C Special Report and its implications, including key messages for cities.
Financing Urban Adaptation to Climate Change: An Introduction
This introductory article provides a brief overview of the various mechanisms available to finance urban adaptation to climate change.
Advancing resilience in cities, towns and villages through knowledge: Key findings on climate change adaptation in human settlements
This blog discusses a new UNFCCC report (February, 2018) that shares key findings on climate change adaptation in human settlements.
Webinar: CapaCITIES – Accelerating Climate Resilient Development in Cities
This webinar focuses on the SDC funded CapaCITIES project in India, which is advancing climate action planning to accelerate transformation of cities to low carbon, climate resilient cities.
6 Things to Know about Urban Adaptation
This publication highlights the key learnings from the Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience (UCCAR) training course.