Scenario planning
Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) Tool
This tool uses data on waste streams to estimate total resources and reuse potential in a city's wastewater, enabling city planners and policymakers to better make decisions on urban waste management.
Research Methods for Understanding and Supporting Decision Processes in African Cities
This paper explores how several decision-making "process" and "support " methods can lead to better informed climate change adaptation decisions in Southern Africa.
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of water for productive use in Omusati, Namibia
ASSAR's Southern African team describes the outcomes of their first transformative scenario planning (TSP) workshop that was held in Omusati, Namibia in February 2017.
Using Transformative Scenario Planning to think critically about the future of agriculture and food security in Ghana
In this brief we describe the approach undertaken during ASSAR's Transformative Scenario Planning workshops in Wa, Ghana, and provide an overview of the results and future steps.
Promoting Local Adaptive Capacity: Experiences from Africa and Asia
Using a local adaptive capacity framework as a starting point, this research paper analyses 7 case studies from across Africa and Asia that represent a range of different interventions.