forest governance
ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC)
This article summarises the ASFCC programme that has developed and integrated social forestry approaches into the climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies of ASEAN and the member states.
Gender in Forestry and REDD+ in Indonesia
This policy brief provides considerations for mainstreaming gender concerns into REDD+ and the forestry sector in Indonesia.
Gobernanza Territorial: Decisiones Sobre Agua, Bosques y Personas
Algunas lecciones aprendidas del proyecto EcoAdapt en la puesta en escena de los sistemas de manejo de recursos naturales que apoyan la toma de decisiones y abordan los conflictos socio-ambientales
Integrating ecosystem- and community-based adaptation: Lessons from Model Forests in Latin America
Ecosystem- and community- based both have valuable benefits, but are often used in isolation.This article describes lessons learned from the integration of both approaches in the EcoAdapt project.