Video: Learn About The Importance of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Adaptation Solutions
Learn about multi-stakeholder collaboration for adaptation solutions with this short easy-to-understand animated video.
Bottom-Up Innovation for Adaptation Financing – New Approaches for Financing Adaptation Challenges Developed Through Practitioner Labs
With regard to climate change adaptation, SMEs in emerging economies face significant financing challenges. Here, adelphi presents 6 innovative bottom-up approaches from India, Thailand and Uganda.
Banking on resilience: building capacities through financial services inclusion
This BRACED policy brief looks at experiences in Mali, Ethiopia and Myanmar in helping to build resilience to climate extremes and disasters through increased financial inclusion.
A Range of Approaches to Address Loss and Damage from Climate Change Impacts in Bangladesh
The report provides policymakers and other decision makers in Bangladesh with information that will help them make decisions and implement approaches to address – and reduce – loss and damage.
Mainstreaming Climate Change and Gender Issues for Sustainable Livelihood Development in Battambang Province, Cambodia
This project increased awareness on WATSAN and Micro Insurance schemes, while addressing climate impacts on livelihoods, climate and disaster risk reduction capacity, building and risk assessment.
Adaptation Options in Nepal: ACCCA project
Review of potential measures for reducing vulnerability in Nepal
Scaling up microinsurance
Sustainability of Microinsurance schemes The nature of microinsurance raises questions as to the sustainability of the schemes currently on offer....
Nepal baseline vulnerability assessment and social indices
Nepal baseline vulnerability assessment and social indices
Introduction Microinsurance, like traditional insurance, is a risk-sharing mechanism in which premiums are paid by all members of the insurance...