FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Cases in Africa Summary
This is a summary article signposting the FRACTAL Learning modules 1-6 on inspirational adaptation cases in Africa.
FRACTAL Learning – Adaptation Inspiration Theme Module 5
Adaptation Inspiration Theme: Building Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the City of Lusaka, Zambia
Method Development for Identifying and Analysing Stakeholders in Climate Change Adaptation Processes
Through a case study approach, based on studies of two Swedish urban regions this paper proposes a systematic method to analyze and identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities in adaptation.
Method Development for Identifying and Analysing Stakeholders in Climate Change Adaptation Processes
Through a case study approach, based on studies of two Swedish urban regions, Stockholm and Gothenburg, this paper proposes a systematic method to analyze and identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities in adaptation.
Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in Rupa Lake Watershed in Nepal: Stakeholder Focused Approach
Image: Livelihoods of a watershed people are highly interlinked. If the climate change effect appears in the watershed, it...
Describing the characteristics of a social network for conducting mapping exercises
Social network mapping is used to help identify stakeholders in climate adaptation planning.
Ecosystem based adaptation: a multi-stakeholder affair
Ecosystem based adaptation: a multi-stakeholder affair
Adaptive management of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)
Risks and vulnerabilities Flood pulse management cycle that will shift with climate change and fishing efforts. Adaptation challenge Creation of...
Participation and the Facilitator
The role of the facilitator is extremely important. Even the best-planned approaches can fail if the facilitator fails to enable everyone to contribute. Who is the right person to facilitate the process? Who will take the ultimate responsibility for coordinating the process?
Learning and Power
Learn about the significance of power and how it can act in positive ways (empowerment) but also in negative ways, for example through excluding people from participating in the process or manipulating what information is shared.